
Your brand is far more than just a name, logo, messaging, fonts, and colors (though those are all part of it!) It is the consistent voice, style, and direction that your company is presenting to the world. Making sure your brand is connecting with the right people and showcasing what makes you different is our favorite thing to do.

Panama Flats Business Cards
Docs bees logo jar

What We Offer

  • Naming
  • Logo & identity design
  • Style elements & illustrations
  • Brand guides & standards
  • Packaging & apparel design
  • Branded environments
  • Collateral & stationery design
  • Signage design & standards
  • Brand launch & event strategy
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Branding Paradigm Logos 01
Branding Paradigm Logos 02

Our Approach to Branding

We don't have a set "Paradigm Style" because we believe your brand should reflect you - and no two brands are the same. Whether a full rebrand, or just a refresh to bring your brand up to date, we are here to make sure you put your best face forward.

A good brand starts with a strong logo

Our Thoughts on Branding

“Why is my color not printing correctly?”

Color Spaces Getting your work to print correctly starts with understanding the basics of color spaces. The two color spaces designers and printers work in are RGB—Red, Green, and Blue—and CMYK—Cyan,…