Bella Vita
Bella Vita is a boutique and lifestyle brand specializing in gifts, home decor, and bridal registries - celebrating life, and marking milestones with style. They believe that life should not just be lived, but lived beautifully and that everyday objects should bring you joy. Since its beginning in 2001, Bella Vita has grown, changed hands, and increased their reach beyond their original home in Cordova, TN. When we began the rebranding process they were on the cusp of a big move to a new area and were ready to "grow up" the existing Bella Vita brand to match their new location and larger audience.
After taking Bella Vita through our Blueprint / Foundation process, we narrowed their core goal: to make life beautiful for their customers through unparalleled customer service and highly personalized shopping experience. We updated the wordmark and olive branch motif to match their sophisticated new store and expanded the brand elements with patterns and textures to carry the brand through both the physical location and online shopping. The logo system gives the Bella Vita team the flexibility they need to represent the brand in all marketing channels, from a tiny website icon to a 30-foot billboard.



Year over year sales increase since their rebrand and move to the new Germantown location
Increase in store system customer profiles