30 Years of Paradigm!

It is hard to believe that we are celebrating our 30th year in business. Founded in 1992 no less — before Adobe Photoshop, when the internet wasn't much of a thing, and when 3D graphics was in its infancy. A major milestone for any business and even more so in the agency world where mergers and closures happen too often.
It has been quite a ride so far and one that continues to bring joy and surprises along the way. For me personally, I can look back over two careers — one as a licensed architect: and the other with Paradigm. I sometimes get asked how, as an architect, I switched careers into branding and advertising. Though I think the more interesting question is how Paradigm as a company has changed over the years.

Being adaptable has served us well with an unbelievable mix of client types and industries. Leveraging this same strategic approach to help them meet their goals. From real estate projects in 37 states and 7 countries, to start-ups like Buff City Soap or Pyros Pizza, Arbo’s Cheese Dip, or Hook Point Brewing; to Reinhart a huge national law firm; professional services like Bellano Dental, Linkous Construction, and Renaissance Design; non-profits like the YMCA, Mission Church; national brands like Elvis Presley Enterprises, Brother International; or how about a large tractor company that competes with John Deer, RBR Enterprise; a wedding dress company that is partnered with Disney, Allure Bridals; and a high-end gift retailer, Bella Vita. That does not even include things like an outdoor exploration company (think Mount Kilimanjaro) or a dog training company, Taming the Wild.

One thing about our team and our clients is that we do not fear change, a new industry, or learning new skills. In fact, we built the entire company by being willing to take on new things. We believe it is our approach to projects, desire to be students of their organizations, and focus on positively impacting their people and clients that allow us to engage in a wide range of project types and sizes.
A great lesson from architecture is that everything can always be improved upon. So it is that desire to keep tweaking and adjusting that makes our team shine. Know nothing about half-million-dollar fertilizer tractors? Cool, we will figure it out and help you tell your story. Need eight hundred hires within a few months during the pandemic? We have it. Want to grow your small local soap shop into a national franchise? We are here to help set your brand apart.
But beyond the tangible goals of our clients and learning about them, we really love telling stories through words, illustrations, web, video, and photography. Our team is not satisfied with doing the basics. We want everything we do to look amazing and have a positive impact.
That is one of the reasons that you cannot spot Paradigm’s work from a stylistic standpoint. It is all about the client, their story, their brand voice, and their core values – we want to bring those to life in a manner that best fits them.
I am often asked about how I went from architecture to advertising. Design thinking is similar — uncover the needs and goals, look at the puzzle and start connecting the dots in a creative way that fulfills the requirements. Yes, I had to learn new things, but I was constantly doing that as an architect, so it really was a small step. Impactful design is extremely important to me as are the reasons behind the design solution. With marketing, branding, etc., I get to see the impact more clearly and quickly. Because we continue to work on so many real estate-related projects as well as partnering with contractors, developers, and architectural firms, I can bring a perspective that others might miss. And when it comes to bringing a brand into a building, we have a well-versed team.

One thing I really enjoy doing aside from brand strategy, client presentations, video scripts, photography, and design review is monthly 1-1 meetings with staff members. This helps remove the employer/employee barrier and allows us to know each other’s hearts and build trust. It is a joy to watch someone grow and morph their role around their personality and talents versus us trying to fit everyone into the same mold.
A few years ago, I brought Becca Hand (Creative Director) and Jeff Glenn (Web Director) on as partners. I am excited to see how Paradigm will continue to flourish in the years to come as they take on more of the day-to-day management of the company.
Likewise, we’ve continued to add and expand services including an expanded digital department to handle social media, digital advertising, and SEO through a strategic and creative lens.
Without a doubt, we have been blessed and are truly grateful to our clients. More than that, I am exceedingly thankful for the employees that have been here through the years and the friendships we’ve developed.
The people are truly what makes Paradigm what it is. This is a special team! And over the years as people have come and gone for various reasons, it is telling that we continue to work with many of them in new roles in other industries.
Here is to the next 30 years!